Thibaut Henz, born 1988 in Liège, Belgium, studied Visual Communication and Architecture at Bauhaus University in Weimar. His work has been exhibited at institutions including Kunsthalle Wien, Kulturfabrik Apolda, and Kunsthaus Erfurt. He has published in “Der Greif”, the “Bauhaus Journal 2017-2018”, and in the catalogue “Grand Ouvert – Bauhaus Photography at its finest“.
In Thibaut Henz’s photographs, unusual perspectives and details often take centre stage. Snapshots and portraits are arranged into series featuring strong contrasting colours and diverse image formats. Surprising image combinations emerge as a result. In his exhibitions, Henz frequently assembles these series into displays that extend across the wall, often even stretching around the corners. His image compositions play with new aesthetics and viewing habits in the digital era.